
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Reflecting on EDUC 6713

Whew these have been some interesting 8 weeks. The GAME Plan has now become a permanent part of my own learning. It has provided me with a focus for my learning. I can now move forward and continue on my path of life-long learning. I started my GAME plan by focusing on Standard #5 Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership and Standard #2 Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments, (ISTE, 2008). The most positive thing I have learned is that there are colleagues even though it would be great to have more, that are willing to learn of new ways to integrate technology into their classrooms. Being able to meet with them to show them how to use wikis with their students is exciting. 

I have gained new ideas for using digital storytelling in the content areas, my favorites are hybrid animals,  showing fraction shapes and creating PSA's for the school community. As we continue after all the testing in our schools I will be use these projects to engage my students during a time that is difficult to motivate students. I have also be able to create unit plans to integrate technology within problem based learning. I look forward to incorporating this new knowledge during the next school year, as long as the budget cuts do not affect me.  

A new goal of mine to learn how to use video editing software for more than simply adding titles. I will use my summer to practice on my numerous videos of my daughter. Lord knows that I have enough to practice on.

National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/NETS_T_Standards_Final.pdf" 

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