
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blogs in the Classroom

How might I use a blog within my classroom? I teach 2nd grade and I have asked myself this question recently. I have previously discussed with a fellow 2nd grade teacher about possibly sharing writing pieces with each others class. The students from each class could read the other students' writing and then provide feedback, what they liked or disliked or any questions that the reader would like answered.

The idea of using a blog for this purpose, opens up more possibilities. The students can showcase their work and feel proud about what they have accomplished. They will see themselves as published authors. They can see that their is a point to their writing beyond having the teacher grade it. This will motivate them to become better writers. This is key to their development as writers. They will also have the opportunity to have an audience to write for. After reading the feedback, they can then go back and reflect upon their writing and develop it further. They can get new ideas from their audience to make changes to their pieces or create new ones.

The opportunities for learning do not stop there. The students will have a chance to read and learn from the other students' writing also. This will improve their own reading skills and they will learn to read critically. They can see what their peers are writing about, the different styles or the similarities that they may share with others. They can see that they are not the only ones that feel the way they do.

The students could work independently or with partners. By writing with partners they will learn through collaborative experiences. I would start this blog initially within the school, due to safety concerns, with the hope of connecting with 2nd graders in other schools.

Please let me know what you think of this idea. How could I make it better? What other things could I do to make it more challenging for my students? Also please share any of your own ideas for using blogs in your classrooms.


Unknown said...

I had the same thoughts about how to incorporate a blog into the elementary learning environment. I came up with a blog like an electronic newsletter to keep parents and I in constant communication with our students. However, I like the idea of showcasing the writing work for other students to proofread and comment on. I believe that students looking at their classmates work is very valuable and something that can be a great learning experience.
I like how you said that they will see themselves as published authors. That is very powerful and can be motivating to students who dislike writing, or have difficulty getting their ideas down on the paper. I think trying it within the team/school first is a great idea, but the students may be more into it if you had something like a sister school. Maybe one in the same district? Or one from another area of the country? This would allow the students to compare their writing with writers in different parts of the country.

Technology Learner said...

This is a great idea for a blog. Your students will feel such pride at writing with a real purpose for a real audience. Have you considered creating a checklist or rubric with your class that they could use as they read other students' writing to guide their feedback? I find it can be challenging for students to offer suggestions beyond, "good job" or "I liked your story". The checklist or rubric could also be used with students as they go through the writing process.

I think your idea will really help facilitate the writing process with your students. I look forward to hearing how it goes.

Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luis,
Great blog! Althought I am a 10th grade teacher, I really like the blog ideas that you are incorporating into your class. Even with my older students, I try to have them look at their peers' work all the time, possibly suggesting an idea or even learning something from it. I try to give student feedback as much as I can, too. Here is what I do, maybe it is something that you could incorporate into your class. First, I have the students submit their writing electronically. I give them feedback/suggestions/ comments using a Microsoft Word application where you can actually highlight a sentence, word, paragraph, etc and comment on it. After the students have reviewed my feedback, I have them write another draft, taking into account my feedback and ideas, and then they re-submit. They save both drafts in a folder, so they can go back and compare the two works to see how they have really grown in just one writing assignment. By seeing the actual growth, the students feel like they are really learning something, thus making the whole process a valuable learning tool.


Anonymous said...

I really like your idea! I feel that it is very important for students to have the opportunity to express themselves and be able to publish for others to read. I teach first grade on a miltary base in Germany. When you get this up and ready I would love to be able to share your writings with my first graders if you think that would be possible. We have published 8 class books this year, I think the students would be very excited if I were to place their writings where the whole world could see. I wish your luck and will look forward to hearing more about it.

Lu1330 said...

Brooke thank you for your comments.
I would eventually love to connect with schools from all different parts of the world. The students and myself, would really learn a lot from sharing with students from other countries.

Sirach411 said...

I love the idea of your students working in groups to collaborate. That is so awesome!!!! Once we get all security matters taken care of I would love my first graders to work with your second graders. I am located in Texas. We are on Spring Break right now but I cannot wait to get back into the classroom to try all of these great ideas out!

Lu1330 said...

I have thought about the rubric for the postings and comments. I just have to work out what it would look like.
Thanks for your input.

Lu1330 said...

Great idea about submitting writing electronically and saving it. I could use that work and save it as an e-portfolio. The district is always looking for proof of their growth.

PS Black and Gold forever

Lu1330 said...


I would love to have our classes work together. Your class has published 8 books, that is fantastic!! If we could not get it going this school year could we start it in Sept.?

Lu1330 said...

I really do feel that our students need to develop the ability to work cooperatively and collaboratively. Thank you so much for the offer of having our classes work together. It sounds great. I hope we can set it up as soon as possible. Enjoy your Spring Break.

gabe500 said...

I think you have a good idea but I wonder if 2nd graders would be able to suggest constructive criticism. I would be sure to monitor their remarks so no one will get discouraged. I would also let the parents have access to the blogs so they can see their child's improvement through future assignments. You have a great idea.