
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Reflection on EDUC-6711

Eight weeks have come and gone in a flash. What I thought I knew or didn't know is no longer the same, yet some things remain the same. I now move forward with a new set of tools at my disposal. I also leave with a better understanding of some strategies that in the past just made sense to me, such as Paivio's Dual Coding Theory. It only made sense to me to use any tools available that would give a student exposure to images that would strengthen connections made during the learning the experience (Laureate Education Inc., 2008). I did not get to this chapter of my life in the direct route of going to college to study to be an educator, so my experiences have been more of on the job training rather than a classroom setting.

I still feel that I want to focus on helping students build their knowledge through construction of artifacts and concrete experiences. Project-based learning is a strategy that I want to incorporate into my everyday instructional practice. Project=-based learning emphasizes a student-centered learning environment and artifact creation as part of the learning outcome (Orey, 2001). The technology tool that I have learned about during this course, that has inspired me the most is VoiceThread. I can think of some ways to use this tool in the classroom to guide, inspire, educate my students. One of the clear benefits is the ability for struggling writers to share their ideas about a picture prompt verbally. This will help those struggling writers to build confidence in their story telling. This confidence will then lead to confidence writing stories. I first need to explain the benefits of the service to the technology department within my school district, because the site is block by a district wide web filter. The next tool that I will incorporate into my instructional practice is Kidspiration software. The software can bu used by my students to create concept maps to demonstrate knowledge that they have acquire during the learning process.

Two long-term goals that I would like to make to my instructional practice regarding technology integration are the use of cooperative learning through the use of technology with students from around the world and creation and maintenance of a classroom website by my students. First I must learn how to best prepare my students to work with others in the virtual world. This is a skill that they will need to succeed in the fast-paced virtual workplace  (Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K., 2007).  The skills that are necessary to work cooperatively within a classroom would have to be extended to working with a person or persons in the virtual world. Social skills and communication skills must be developed to interact in an positive and appropriate manner with people that you may never meet physically. My second long term goal would require the creation of an after school or lunchtime program where I could teach students how to create and maintain a website. Students would take ownership of their website and see the need to improve their own writing. When they realize that others will be visiting the classroom website that they are in charge of, they will be more careful to make sure that it is great. After the first group completes their own classroom website they could help to teach the other students that show an interest in web design. The students will become the teachers an truly understand the process of website creation.

All in all I look forward to guiding my students further into the 21st century by engaging them in activities that will help them develop their critical thinking skills, while bringing their own style and creativity to the classroom. 


Laureate Education Inc. (Producer). (2008). Program five. Cognitive Learning Theory [Motion Picture]. Bridging learning theory, instruction, and technology. Baltimore: Author.

Orey, M.(Ed.). Emerging Perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from http://projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/index.php?title=Main_Page.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K.(2007) Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, Va. ASCD

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