
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where Is My GAME Plan Headed?

As I put my GAME plan into motion to become a leader within my school community, I was pleasantly surprised by the reaction of some colleagues. Last week our principal asked me to share anything that I was doing to integrate technology in the classroom, at a staff meeting. Though I was a bit nervous because of some the negative feelings that that exist within the school. During the week a few teachers have come to ask me how to incorporate a blog or wiki into their classroom. They where impressed with what I had done with my students. Another teacher who is also working on a masters in technology wants to collaborate on a project videotaping lesson to use as a resource for the staff. Some teachers in the first grader wanted to find out how they could use VoiceThread with their students. I am very excited about the idea of being a facilitator for the staff members that are willing to take the leap.

I don't see any need for modifications at this time, but I do have some new questions. I what to learn more. Something that I have added is how to use a Whiteboard. We have a 3 boards in our building, which are not being used to their potential. They are solely glorified marker boards. It makes me sad to see that happen.

The second part of my GAME plan has taken on the planning stage of activities that will be used after some of the high stakes testing that will take place in the next month. The pacing guides end before the end of the school year. A colleague and I have planned a collaborative project between our classes 2nd and 3rd grades.
I look forward to the challenges ahead.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March Madness

I just waned to share the fact that this is my favorite time of year.
I will be glued to CBS on the tv or online.

Putting the GAME Plan in Motion

As with any plan, be it a lesson plan or a game plan for a basketball game, it has to be put into effect and information must be gathered, such as the strengths and weaknesses of the students/players and opponents. Looking at my GAME plan I see a need to learn the reasons or concerns that my colleagues have about integrating technology in the classroom.  To accomplish my 2nd goal I need to model the process of learning through investigation. I want to also create a survey to find out some of my students' interests that will guide them through their own learning.

To learn how to become a leader within my school community an to help my students pursue their own curiosities and become active participants, I will read blogs of people such as Will Richardson an expert in the education technology field, as well as websites such as Technology & Learning and eSchool News. I will look for examples of technology integration that works such as those found on the Edutopia website. For my colleagues, I can then create resources that they can use to learn. I can create a blog with FAQs to help them along. I can also share the resources and links to tutorials that are on my delicious account. That is something that I have already begun organizing to make it easier for my colleagues to search through. Another idea that I have to create Screencasts that will help colleagues with tasks they may be intimidated by.

With this in mind I take the next few steps towards reaching my newly set goals.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Developing My Personal GAME Plan

Oh how technology has changed the landscape of education today. No longer do we have a classroom that is totally removed from the outside world. Technology has allowed us to be "connected" to the world in ways that once were thought unimaginable.As educators we have a decision to make on how we want to use the technology that has become available to us. Do we rev up our engines and fire out, to use these new tools to reach our students, or do we turn our backs on the technology and continue as we were. By choosing to do the former we choose to make changes in the way we support our students' learning. It all starts with our own learning.

Marc Prensky(2008) stated that, "Teachers would longer be the providers of information, but instead the explainers, the context providers the meaning makers, and the evaluators of the information that kids find on their own(42). This notion leads me to the two indicators from the NETS-T standards that I would like to develop using my GAME Plan.

The first is standard that I will focus on as one of my GOALS in #5 Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership, indicator b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others (ISTE, 2008). I will take steps to reach out to my colleagues in my our school community and model for the the benefits of integrating technology into the curriculum. There have always been teachers that have come to me for answer to tech questions, mostly in troubleshooting or how to use a certain software. I want to be able to help them further. I want to break down some of the walls of fear that they have towards using technology in their classrooms. I want to be able to give them the confidence to go forward and use technology to their benefit as well as their students'. When it comes to monitoring and evaluating, my progress towards this goal, I would look for a change in the staff's attitude towards technology integration as well as looking for examples of ways that teachers are using technology to engage learners and expand their knowledge. I would then push to have new technology brought into our school, prove the benefits of this technology to the school community and be trained in how best to use them so that I can model for the rest of the school staff.

The 2nd GOAL, that I want to focus on is Standard #2 Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments, indicator b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable alll students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress (ISTE, 2008). My ACTION would be to learn more about my students in order to understand their interest and guided to as they search for answers to their own questions. With all the State mandated testing that goes on and the rigid pacing calendars that exist in our school district, this will be a challenge. I would Monitor and evaluate, my own progress by the level of engagement of my students as they pursue their own interest and curiosity.

With these thoughts in mind I embark on my GAME Plan to support my own self directed learning.

Luis Martos


National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/NETS_T_Standards_Final.pdf"

Prensky, M. (2008, March). Turning on the lights.Educational Leadership, 65(6), 40–45.