Oh how technology has changed the landscape of education today. No longer do we have a classroom that is totally removed from the outside world. Technology has allowed us to be "connected" to the world in ways that once were thought unimaginable.As educators we have a decision to make on how we want to use the technology that has become available to us. Do we rev up our engines and fire out, to use these new tools to reach our students, or do we turn our backs on the technology and continue as we were. By choosing to do the former we choose to make changes in the way we support our students' learning. It all starts with our own learning.
Marc Prensky(2008) stated that, "Teachers would longer be the providers of information, but instead the explainers, the context providers the meaning makers, and the evaluators of the information that kids find on their own(42). This notion leads me to the two indicators from the NETS-T standards that I would like to develop using my GAME Plan.
The first is standard that I will focus on as one of my GOALS in #5 Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership, indicator b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others (ISTE, 2008). I will take steps to reach out to my colleagues in my our school community and model for the the benefits of integrating technology into the curriculum. There have always been teachers that have come to me for answer to tech questions, mostly in troubleshooting or how to use a certain software. I want to be able to help them further. I want to break down some of the walls of fear that they have towards using technology in their classrooms. I want to be able to give them the confidence to go forward and use technology to their benefit as well as their students'. When it comes to monitoring and evaluating, my progress towards this goal, I would look for a change in the staff's attitude towards technology integration as well as looking for examples of ways that teachers are using technology to engage learners and expand their knowledge. I would then push to have new technology brought into our school, prove the benefits of this technology to the school community and be trained in how best to use them so that I can model for the rest of the school staff.
The 2nd GOAL, that I want to focus on is Standard #2 Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments, indicator b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable alll students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress (ISTE, 2008). My ACTION would be to learn more about my students in order to understand their interest and guided to as they search for answers to their own questions. With all the State mandated testing that goes on and the rigid pacing calendars that exist in our school district, this will be a challenge. I would Monitor and evaluate, my own progress by the level of engagement of my students as they pursue their own interest and curiosity.
With these thoughts in mind I embark on my GAME Plan to support my own self directed learning.
Luis Martos
National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/NETS_T_Standards_Final.pdf"
Prensky, M. (2008, March). Turning on the lights.Educational Leadership, 65(6), 40–45.
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I applaud your willingness to reach out and help other teachers in your school to embrace the tools available through technology. As you mentioned, the school calendar can make some of the great educational moments we desire to have with our students quite difficult. The same issue often arises regarding quality continuing education and collaboration with other educators within the system. I'm certain that your personal goals and the implementation of technology that you have demonstrated will encourage others to do the same within thier classrooms. As we all know, knowledge is power. Sometimes we simply need to be aware of the new menas of obtaining such knowledge to truly be empowered.
I agree that you are taking huge and sometimes scary steps to improve your teaching practice in the areas of technology. Stepping forward and leaving yourself vulnerable to criticism from your peers is an extremely difficult move to make, but the fact that you are willing to make it speaks volumes of your character and priorities in the professional areas of your life.
I do have a question on the Standard 2 that you are going to be addressing. You speak of "enabling all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning and assessing their own progress." How will this look in your classroom? How are you going to incorporate this into your lessons?
I believe that you are heading in the right direction. You are taking steps that are scary and new to most of us and that is what makes good teachers GREAT teachers. Well done and I can't wait to see how this turns out for you and your students. Keep us posted on your progress.
SG Wine
Thanks for your feedback.I see so many colleague that just plain fear technology or do not feel that it can improve the learning experiences of the students. I want to help them "see the light" so to speak.
Thanks for your comment. o answer your question. I already see how many questions students have when covering any content area. They are naturally curious. I want to guide them in the direction of seeking out some answers on their own. I can take a KWHL chart and then have students control their own learning by facilitating their use of technology to discover the answers on their own.
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